
Knives is a Brisbane based designer, painter, creator and copywriter who excels most at brainstorming and executing highly imaginative and clever concepts.

“Always find the niche, always be specific, always touch a nerve.”

Although it’s widely understood that in marketing, maintaining constant visibility typically equates to further reach and higher profits, Knives’ taste in branding and marketing has always maintained an innate disdain for the current climate of quick turn-around content for the sake of constant visibility. 

He’s a contrarian at heart and prefers the approach of “less is more” throughout his work. He believes that speaking less, being succinct and executing thoughtfully adds infinitely more weight to what you say when you do speak, resulting in the final product being far more memorable.

Above all else, Knives has an incredibly strong aversion to inauthenticity and would like you to know that although he wrote this bio about himself in the third person, his ingrained Pacific Islander sensibilities felt genuinely grossed out by the experience and he quickly moved on to making the next part of this website mumbling “ewwy ewwy eww, I sound like a fuckin’ asshole”.